It's been awhile since I've posted on the blog. Let's catch up on what has been going on with Aubree
Leiser Photography....Well, I hit a milestone..It's been 1 year since I started my business!!! Crazy isn't it?!?! That year went really fast! Time flies when you are having a blast!
I've also committed to trying out wedding photography for so far...1 wedding this summer. I'm a little nervous because my primary focus so far has been children/family photography...but I am looking forward to the new adventure. Wish me luck!!
Now on to the good stuff...CUTE PHOTOS!! This is the second time this little girl has been on my blog. She just turned 1. We decided to try out a new venue for the photos. We explored the Fargo Public Library. What a GREAT place!!

We had fun running up & down the aisles of books.

Remember to start booking your Spring/Summer sessions. Once the weather starts to warm up....sessions fill up fast.
She is a cutie. I hope to see more of her as she grows up.