Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Final Session of the year....

Here are some photos from my last session of the year.  What a fun way to end the year!!  These three are always fun to take photos of.  These two boys just adore their little sister & you can tell by the way she looks at them, she thinks they are pretty great too!

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Get Ready....

for an OVERFLOW of CUTENESS!!  This little doll is just about 7 months old.  She was just a perfect model for her photos.  Plus her mom found some pretty adorable accessories on to add to her cuteness. 

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Poster Child....

for children's clothing.  :)  This boy coordinated from his head to his toes.  Even his gloves matched!  We met last weekend down at Lindenwood Park in Fargo.  Yep, it is December in these photos & there is no snow yet!  Can you believe it!

Monday, December 5, 2011

Different Twist....

So normally I am focused on taking children/family photos.  But, this nice lady gave me a call to see if I could help her out with some promotional photos.  When she told me what she was doing, I was all for it!  Her name is Joan Brickner.  She has recently finished a CD where she is the lead vocal.  She gave me a copy of the CD.  It's very good!  So, if you are looking for some new music to listen to, look her name up.  The CD is called "Something Blue"